Fruit Syrup Packing range

Our Fruit syrup is thinking to food industrial or little customers than need to add a fruit to their productions. We have some packing sizes that are perfect to different fruit productions, from the small artisanal factories to the bigest ones.

bucket 10 kg

Frozen packing

This is the perfect packing for little manufacturer and fruit syrups for drinks.

Frozen storage is the best way to ensure the quality and maintain the best organoleptic characteristic of our syrup. 

This packing alow us to give our customers the highest self life


Bucket 20 kg

Frozen and ambient preserved

This is the perfect packing for pastry and manufacturers of ice creams and yogurt.

Frozen storage is the best way to ensure the quality and maintain the best organoleptic characteristic of our syrup. 

Due to factory requirements, some customers need ambient paking, and we can manage this filling adding preservatives to our manufacture. 


Bag in box 20 kg

Freeze and ambient preserved

Bag in box is the ideal pakcking to controle paking waste. This paking is perfect to fruit syrup concentrate for drinks made by hotel machinery

Drums 265 kg

Freeze or frozen packing

Drums are the perfect packing for big manufacturing plant. We can fill some of our fruit syrups in aseptic drums to ve supplied worldwide.